Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We've Moved!!

We've officially moved to our new home! It has been in the works for awhile now and we are finally getting all settled in! All future sneak peaks, announcements and specials will be posted there from now on. Please stop by for a visit and don't forget to update your bookmarks!

Click here to go to the new blog!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just more to love

Double the diapers, double the feedings, but double the cuteness and double the love! I travelled all the way to the shores of Lake Huron to meet these incredible girls and can I say, they did not disappoint! They were absolutely wonderful to photograph and let me position them however I wanted without making a peep! It was a dream.

Thank you so much S & D. You have an amazing family!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to School?

Not for this teacher mom! She is lucky enough to be off on maternity leave for the next few months. And can you blame her? Just look at Mr. L! He is such a happy baby boy and will be wonderful company for her while she is away from the classroom.

Hope you are enjoying your "Not" Back to School Day, C!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Welcome Sweet Baby K

I was so thrilled when this wonderful family called to book a newborn session for the newest member of their family, Baby K. Not only are they some of the nicest people I've ever met, but they are new neighbours to boot!
Although Baby K was going through a bit of a growth spurt and wanted to nurse non-stop, we were still able to capture some beautiful images. She has the sweetest little temperament and the brightest eyes and in the years to come will probably have everyone wrapped around her little finger!

Thank you F, P, L and Baby K. Enjoy your sneak peak!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Growing Bigger!

Our little birdies have been growing bigger and bigger. It is amazing they even fit in the nest anymore!

We did catch their first flight on the weekend....however, I think it was a little unexpected on our part and theirs. They had enough of our watering and took to the sky! It was a beautiful thing to see and we wish them a nice birdie life. Hopefully they will return next year and build a family of their own!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A different sort of Newborn

A few weeks ago, we went away on vacation. Once we returned, I went about my everyday tasks, which include watering and deadheading my hanging baskets. When I pulled them down from the hook the very first time, I was delighted at what I saw - a Robin's nest!! Since then, the kids and I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the babies.

Well the other day the little newborns made their arrival!

Look how cute they are! No feathers yet, but that fuzz is just adorable. Unfortunately, one egg didn't make it. Such is life, I guess. Poor Mama.
We are very excited to watch these little birds take to the sky in the the next week or so. Hopefully we'll be there (camera in hand!) to catch the action!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Childhood Photography

Childhood seems to be such a fleeting moment in our children's lives these days. I'm not sure if it is us as parents, or society in general that pushes our children to grow up much faster than they need to. One minute it is toys and dolls and the next it is music and clothes! Why not stop the clock for a moment and consider hiring a custom child photographer to capture this special stage - before it is too late! If you are interesting in preserving your family memories for generations to come, please feel free to call or email me to book your appointment today!